Activities and tours

Everything can be adjusted to every guests wishes. We can make it as simple or as crazy as you want. From just an accommodation to a full service holiday. 

With all time there is a Dutch, German or English translator in the area or with you to make sure you have the safest, comfortable and most unique experience.

Want to add a day to Capri to your tour? We’ll arrange everything. A beautiful boat ride or a limousine? We can organize everything from and coming back to your accommodation. Your wish is our command!

Your days in Cilento with different sightseeing. Including accommodation and transportation. All tours can be adjusted to your own wishes.

Prices include

  • accommodation half pension
  • transport from and to airport
  • entrance fee to the different sites

Cilento unique Italian cooking experience

A weekend or week full of dining and wining? Can’t get enough of Italian food? Make traditional Cilento dishes with the locals? Working with the purest ingredients?

Then this unique and pure experience is not to be missed. We offer courses in English, German, Dutch and Italian.

Spread out through your stay we will have an entire program from visiting farms, bakery’s and A visit to THE mozzarella region with a lot of tasting.

For every foodie we offer the most diverse Italian experience!


Get married in Cilento

Thinking about to get married in an unique part of Italy? On the beach or somewhere in the mountains with an amazing view? We have several magical wedding accommodations available. We plan every bit step by step. Together!

We make sure every wish comes through. We want to create that unique experience. 

Olive oil tour

(October, november and december)

A weekend or a week to visit Cilento and to see how they make their typical and magical Olive oil?

Olive oil
wine grapes

Wine tour

Wine making and wine tasting. A weekend or a week trip to Cilento with a guide and transportation. 

Prices include;

  • A night of cooking and dining Authentic Cilento Mediterranean food
  • Accommodation 
  • Full pension (Breakfast, lunch and diner)
  • Transportation from and to the airport 
  • Transportation to the different wine producers
  • 2 bottles of your own made product send home

Historical Tour

  • Tour to the archaeological site of PEASTUM
  • Tour to the archaeological site of ELEA VELIA
  • Tour to Pompei
Pompeii cilento

Active tour Horseriding

Horse riding in il Cilento from beginner to professional

Do you love horses? Whether you’re an experienced rider looking for a unique riding holiday, relatively inexperienced or even a beginner, this is the right place for you!

For experienced riders we offer a full-day excursion including a tasty and memorable picnic immersed in nature and surrounded by spectacular scenery and amazing views.

For beginners, we offer riding courses, individual lessons and short two-hour excursions.

We are well aware of the beauty of Italy and Campania, especially the uniqueness of the National Park of Cilento and its historical and cultural importance, and we invite you to discover this area on horseback, in a way which is not only fun but really original.

Active tour by foot

Trekking and discover il Cilento by foot

Hiking in the Cilento is also a feast for all the senses: on blossoming paths along the coast, through shady river valleys inland, up to the lofty peaks in the backland. Cyclists will also love the region: whether on a mountain bike or racing bike. On the Via Silente, a fantastic – and almost six hundred kilometers long – circular route, the Cilento can be explored by bike.

A fabulous trekking excursion from Ogliastro Marina to San Marco di Castellabate via Punta Licosa … through a land of legends and myths with enchanting and breathtaking scenery!

The promontory of Punta Licosa is the point where the Cilento juts into the sea, with its soft sea breezes that blows through the trees making them dance.

The name comes from the myth of Ulysses, according to which this is the exact spot where the siren Leucosia drowned for love of Ulysses.

When the sky is clear there’s a marvellous view from the Amalfi Coast to Palinuro.

Bright limpid skies in winter and blossoming broom bushes in spring, this trekking route is beautiful in any season.

And this is only one route of many more….. 

Panoramic view from Pianoro di Ciolandrea, near San Giovanni a P
Gozzo boat rental

Sports / Adventure

Water sports enthusiasts can marvel at an intact underwater world with a variety of marine fauna and flora during a dive. The Gulf of Castellabate is one of Italy’s state-protected underwater reserves. Just as fascinating is a boat tour along the coast – on your own or with a cook and captain on a typical Cilento “Gozzo”, the traditional wooden boat.

Activities and tours

Everything can be adjusted to every guests wishes. We can make it as simple or as crazy as you want. From just an accommodation to a full service holiday. 

With all time there is a Dutch, German or English translator in the area or with you to make sure you have the safest, comfortable and most unique experience.

Want to add a day to Capri to your tour? We’ll arrange everything. A beautiful boat ride or a limousine? We can organize everything from and coming back to your accommodation. Your wish is our command!

Your days in Cilento with different sightseeing. Including accommodation and transportation. All tours can be adjusted to your own wishes.

Prices include

  • accommodation half pension
  • transport from and to airport
  • entrance fee to the different sites

Cilento unique Italian cooking experience

A weekend or week full of dining and wining? Can’t get enough of Italian food? Make traditional Cilento dishes with the locals? Working with the purest ingredients?

Then this unique and pure experience is not to be missed. We offer courses in English, German, Dutch and Italian.

Spread out through your stay we will have an entire program from visiting farms, bakery’s and A visit to THE mozzarella region with a lot of tasting.

For every foodie we offer the most diverse Italian experience!

Get married in Cilento

Thinking about to get married in an unique part of Italy? On the beach or somewhere in the mountains with an amazing view? We have several magical wedding accommodations available. We plan every bit step by step. Together!

We make sure every wish comes through. We want to create that unique experience. 

Olive oil

Olive oil tour

(October, november and december)

A weekend or a week to visit Cilento and to see how they make their typical and magical Olive oil?

wine grapes

Wine tour

Wine making and wine tasting. A weekend or a week trip to Cilento with a guide and transportation. 

Prices include;

  • A night of cooking and dining Authentic Cilento Mediterranean food
  • Accommodation 
  • Full pension (Breakfast, lunch and diner)
  • Transportation from and to the airport 
  • Transportation to the different wine producers
  • 2 bottles of your own made product send home
Pompeii cilento

Historical Tour

  • Tour to the archaeological site of PEASTUM
  • Tour to the archaeological site of ELEA VELIA
  • Tour to Pompei

Active tour Horseriding

Horse riding in il Cilento from beginner to professional

Do you love horses? Whether you’re an experienced rider looking for a unique riding holiday, relatively inexperienced or even a beginner, this is the right place for you!

For experienced riders we offer a full-day excursion including a tasty and memorable picnic immersed in nature and surrounded by spectacular scenery and amazing views.

For beginners, we offer riding courses, individual lessons and short two-hour excursions.

We are well aware of the beauty of Italy and Campania, especially the uniqueness of the National Park of Cilento and its historical and cultural importance, and we invite you to discover this area on horseback, in a way which is not only fun but really original.



Panoramic view from Pianoro di Ciolandrea, near San Giovanni a P

Active tour by foot

Trekking and discover il Cilento by foot

A beautiful accommodation in the mountains or by the sea? And you wish to discover this magical landscape by foot?  A fabulous trekking excursion from Ogliastro Marina to San Marco di Castellabate via Punta Licosa through a land of legends and myths with enchanting and breathtaking scenery!

The promontory of Punta Licosa is the point where the Cilento juts into the sea, with its soft sea breezes that blows through the trees making them dance.

The name comes from the myth of Ulysses, according to which this is the exact spot where the siren Leucosia drowned for love of Ulysses.

When the sky is clear there’s a marvellous view from the Amalfi Coast to Palinuro.

Bright limpid skies in winter and blossoming broom bushes in spring, this trekking route is beautiful in any season.

And this is only one route of many more


Gozzo boat rental

Active tour Sports

Water sports enthusiasts can marvel at an intact underwater world with a variety of marine fauna and flora during a dive. The Gulf of Castellabate is one of Italy’s state-protected underwater reserves. Just as fascinating is a boat tour along the coast – on your own or with a cook and captain on a typical Cilento “Gozzo”, the traditional wooden boat.

Ciao Cilento


Tel: +39 347 945 1235


Unique Cooking Experience
Get Married in Cilento
Olive Oil Tour
Wine Tour
Historical Tour
Active Tour

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