
Cookies policy


This information note concerns the website (“Website”) and is issued by Ciao Cilento.

What are cookies and what are they for

A cookie is a text file that a website visited by the user sends to his/her terminal (computer, mobile device such as smartphone or tablet), where it is stored and then sent back to that website during a subsequent visit to the same website.

Cookies are distinguished from each other:

  • according to the person who installs them, based on whether it is the owner of the website visited (so-called “first-party cookies“) or a different subject (so-called “third-party cookies“)
  • according to the purpose of each cookie: some cookies enable an improved navigation, memorising some user choices, for example the language (so-called “technical cookies“), other cookies allow to track the user’s navigation in order to send advertisements and/or offer services in line with his/her preferences (so-called “profiling cookies“)

Only profiling cookies require the user’s prior consent to their use.

The Website uses first-party and third-party technical cookies, for whose installation no user consent is required. Cookies with an anonymised IP are also considered third-party technical cookies, even though they have profiling purposes.

  1. Cookies Installed through the Website

2.1 First-party technical Cookies that do not require the user’s prior consent

Cookie Name

Cookie purpose

Expiry date


Created by the Content Man-agement System (CMS) to determine if a user is logged



Created by the Content Man-agement System (CMS) and used as protection against Cross-Site Request Forgery attacks (CSRF), where form submissions can be hijacked





2.2 Third-party technical cookies that do not require any prior consent

Cookie Name


Cookie purpose

Expiry date


Microsoft Clarity

Microsoft Clarity Cookie

1 year



Cookie associated with sites using CloudFlare, used to speed up page load times. According to CloudFlare it is used to override any security restrictions based on the IP address the visitor is coming from. It does not contain any user identification information.

1 year


Goolge Analytics

Use by Google Analytics to count and track pageviews.

2 years


Goolge Analytics

Use by Google Analytics to count and track pageviews.

1 day


Complete Cookie Consent by nils&paul

Not Classified

1 day


Google Tag Manager

Used by Google Tag Manager to control the loading of a Google Analytics script tag.

1 day

2.3 Third-party profiling cookies that require the user’s prior consent

Cookie Name


Cookie purpose

Expiry date



Cookie used for targeted advertising based on behavioral profiling and geographical location.

2 years


Google DoubleClick

Cookie used by Google DoubleClick to register and report the Website user’s actions after viewing or clicking on an advertisement with the purpose of measuring its efficacy and presenting the user with targeted advertising.

1 year



Use by Facebook to Enable ad delivery or retargeting.

3 months



Use by Facebook to store and track visits across websites.

3 months

Further information provided by Ciao Cilento

In its capacity as data controller, with reference to cookies installed directly by the Website, Ciao Cilento specifies the following:

  • the data are collected only for the purposes and for the duration indicated in the tables above and are processed by computer;
  • the use of technical cookies does not require the prior consent of the user since they are cookies necessary to allow navigation within the Website and the proper operation of the Website itself. Removing the technical cookies through the browser settings may lead to not being able to browse the Website, in whole or in part;
  • data collected by first-party cookies may be communicated to subjects acting on behalf of Ciao Cilento as data processors or persons in charge of the processing, for purposes related to those described above.

With reference to third-party cookies, the purposes of these cookies, the logics behind their processing and the management of user preferences in relation to the cookies themselves are not determined and/or verified by Ciao Cilento but by the third party which provides them, as provider and data processor, as indicated in the tables above. However, regardless of the fact that Ciao Cilento should believe that the user has validly expressed his/her consent to the installation of cookies, including those of third parties, the Data Controller undertakes to provide support to users who request (at to know how to exercise their consent/selective refusal or to delete cookies from their own browser.


Ciao Cilento


Tel: +39 347 945 1235


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This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website.