Things we love

The Cilento is worth a journey of discovery not only culturally, but also from a culinary point of view: It is easy to combine a holiday with pleasure here. The land is fertile, the sea abounds with fish and both are treated with respect. Almost everything here comes from the region: fresh and full of flavor. Buffalo mozzarella, plump red tomatoes and aromatic vegetables, the famous onions from Vatolla and the chickpeas from Cicerale. The list could go on and on: small fine wines and first-class olive oil, goat and sheep cheese from the inland, handmade pasta …

Even Italians who do not come from this area agree: the best buffalo mozzarella in the world comes from this region . Here the buffaloes are treated like stars in excellent living conditions to produce the best milk for Italy’s favorite cheese.
A trip to production houses like Vannulo or Barlotti will show you that these animals treated in this way produce not only the most succulent mozzarella but also ricotta, yogurt, sweets, ice cream and much more.
Cilento has always been synonymous with healthy and good food . Just think that we are in the homeland of the Mediterranean Diet , in fact every year hundreds of tourists flock from all over the world on the occasion of the various festivals. The typical products, PDO and PGI go crazy on the market, in fact after tourism, they are the second most profitable source of income in the area.
Fortunately, even today, where the Mediterranean diet was established many years ago, it is still possible to rediscover the true flavors of cuisine.

For years our family has been introducing all what il Cilento has to offer abroad and especially in Holland were we established restaurants, shops, mozzarella factories and a school for cooking classes with all the flavors of Il Cilento ever central.

Una tenuta agricola in Cilento
cilento coast

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